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Minutes of the OS and VM subgroup meeting on 30th March 2006

Present Ian Watson, Ian Rogers, Andrew Dinn, Jeremy Singer, Simon Wilkinson, Chris Kirkham

SW has finished his initial VM. It runs specJVM and itself. To improve its efficiency he is now thinking about partial evaluation, and in particular "dynamic partial evaluation" - an idea used by Gregory Sullivan at MIT, to compile out some of the layers of abstraction.

IR speculated that having an object-model on top of the JVM might lead to a Jessica2-like distributed system.

CCK announced that MA (who sent apologies for absence) was looking at the current bootstrap for Jikes on Jamaica - to understand its relevance to an OS.

AD asked SW to what extent it would be possible to optimise a meta-VM back to a normal-sized efficient one. Would runtime loading of code be a major difficulty?

IR mentioned that final fields are generally not treated as constants - and might provide a fruitful case study for partial evaluation ideas.

IR asked if anyone knew about a suggestion that interpreting ARM6 code could lead to legal problems. No one present did!

CCK wrote these minutes.

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Page last modified on March 31, 2006, at 04:08 PM