Jamaica /
JikesRegressionjamaica@SpecJVM98$ cat /scratch/test/java_testAll.txt Invoking the Java simulator Args: -p 1 -c 1 -j /scratch/jamaica/build/JikesRVM /scratch/jamaica/build/JikesRVM -X:i=/scratch/jamaica/build/RVM.image -X:vmClasses=/scratch/jamaica/build/RVM.classes/jksvm.jar:/scratch/jamaica/build/RVM.classes/rvmrt.jar -Drvm.root=/scratch/jamaica -Drvm.build=/scratch/jamaica/build -Djava.home=/scratch/jamaica -Dgnu.classpath.home.url=file:/scratch/jamaica/build -Dgnu.classpath.vm.shortname=JikesRVM -Duser.home=/home/horsnelm -Duser.dir=/scratch/jamaica/rvm/regression/tests/bytecodeTests/cp -Dos.name=Dinnux -Dos.version=0.1 -Dos.arch=jamaica -classpath .:/scratch/tools/jdk1.5.0_06/lib/rt.jar -Xms800M -Xmx800M -cp . TestAll Processors : 1 Contexts : 1 Binary : /scratch/jamaica/build/JikesRVM Memory Size: 2048 MB Entry Point: 0x1087f4 byteShift 6 bankMask 1 36721 P 0 - C 0 : threadId 1 JikesRVM: here goes... JikesRVM: bootThread(0x2756bf0, 0x21413fc, 0x2788c50, 0x2788c80, 0x200, 0x1000178) [Loaded [Ljava/util/Hashtable$HashEntry;] [Loaded superclasses of [Ljava/util/Hashtable$HashEntry;] [Initializing java.security.ProtectionDomain] [Initialized java.security.ProtectionDomain] [Loaded [Ljava/util/Locale;] [Loaded superclasses of [Ljava/util/Locale;] [Preparing java.lang.ref.SoftReference] [Initializing java.lang.ref.SoftReference] [Initialized java.lang.ref.SoftReference] [Loaded [Ljava/util/Calendar;] [Loaded superclasses of [Ljava/util/Calendar;] [Loaded [Ljava/util/TimeZone;] [Loaded superclasses of [Ljava/util/TimeZone;] [Preparing gnu.java.lang.reflect.TypeSignature] [Initializing gnu.java.lang.reflect.TypeSignature] [Initialized gnu.java.lang.reflect.TypeSignature] [Loaded [Ljava/lang/System;] [Loaded superclasses of [Ljava/lang/System;] [Loaded [Lcom/ibm/JikesRVM/opt/OPT_OptimizationPlanElement;] [Loaded superclasses of [Lcom/ibm/JikesRVM/opt/OPT_OptimizationPlanElement;] [VM booted] [Preparing java.security.SecureClassLoader] [Preparing java.net.URLClassLoader] [Preparing com.ibm.JikesRVM.classloader.ApplicationClassLoader] [Initializing com.ibm.JikesRVM.classloader.ApplicationClassLoader] [Initializing java.net.URLClassLoader] [Initializing java.security.SecureClassLoader] [Initialized java.security.SecureClassLoader] [Running static initializer for java.net.URLClassLoader] [Initialized java.net.URLClassLoader] [Initialized com.ibm.JikesRVM.classloader.ApplicationClassLoader] [Loaded [Lcom/ibm/JikesRVM/opt/ir/OPT_Operand;] [Loaded superclasses of [Lcom/ibm/JikesRVM/opt/ir/OPT_Operand;] [Loaded [Lcom/ibm/JikesRVM/opt/ir/OPT_TypeOperand;] [Loaded superclasses of [Lcom/ibm/JikesRVM/opt/ir/OPT_TypeOperand;] [Loaded [Lcom/ibm/JikesRVM/opt/ir/OPT_GenerationContext;] [Loaded superclasses of [Lcom/ibm/JikesRVM/opt/ir/OPT_GenerationContext;] [Loaded [Lcom/ibm/JikesRVM/opt/ir/OPT_BC2IR$HandlerBlockLE;] [Loaded superclasses of [Lcom/ibm/JikesRVM/opt/ir/OPT_BC2IR$HandlerBlockLE;] [Loaded [Lcom/ibm/JikesRVM/opt/ir/OPT_ExceptionHandlerBasicBlock;] [Loaded superclasses of [Lcom/ibm/JikesRVM/opt/ir/OPT_ExceptionHandlerBasicBlock;] [Loaded [Lcom/ibm/JikesRVM/opt/ir/OPT_BasicBlock;] [Loaded superclasses of [Lcom/ibm/JikesRVM/opt/ir/OPT_BasicBlock;] [Loaded [Lcom/ibm/JikesRVM/opt/OPT_DominatorTreeNode;] [Loaded superclasses of [Lcom/ibm/JikesRVM/opt/OPT_DominatorTreeNode;] [Loaded [Lcom/ibm/JikesRVM/opt/OPT_SpaceEffGraphNode$GraphEdgeEnumeration;] [Loaded superclasses of [Lcom/ibm/JikesRVM/opt/OPT_SpaceEffGraphNode$GraphEdgeEnumeration;] [Loaded [Ljava/util/Enumeration;] [Loaded superclasses of [Ljava/util/Enumeration;] [Loaded [Lcom/ibm/JikesRVM/opt/OPT_BURS_TreeNode;] [Loaded superclasses of [Lcom/ibm/JikesRVM/opt/OPT_BURS_TreeNode;] [Loaded [Lcom/ibm/JikesRVM/opt/OPT_SpaceEffGraphEdge;] [Loaded superclasses of [Lcom/ibm/JikesRVM/opt/OPT_SpaceEffGraphEdge;] [Loaded [Lcom/ibm/JikesRVM/opt/OPT_LiveAnalysis$BBLiveElement;] [Loaded superclasses of [Lcom/ibm/JikesRVM/opt/OPT_LiveAnalysis$BBLiveElement;] [Loaded [Ljava/util/ArrayList;] [Loaded superclasses of [Ljava/util/ArrayList;] [Preparing java.net.MalformedURLException] [Preparing java.net.URL] [Loaded [Ljava/net/URL;] [Loaded superclasses of [Ljava/net/URL;] [Loaded [Lcom/ibm/JikesRVM/classloader/VM_InterfaceInvocation$IMTDict$Link;] [Loaded superclasses of [Lcom/ibm/JikesRVM/classloader/VM_InterfaceInvocation$IMTDict$Link;] [Initializing java.net.URL] [Running static initializer for java.net.URL] [Initialized java.net.URL] [Preparing java.net.URLStreamHandler] [Preparing gnu.java.net.protocol.file.Handler] [Initializing gnu.java.net.protocol.file.Handler] [Initializing java.net.URLStreamHandler] [Initialized java.net.URLStreamHandler] [Initialized gnu.java.net.protocol.file.Handler] [Preparing java.net.URLClassLoader$URLLoader] [Preparing java.net.URLClassLoader$FileURLLoader] [Initializing java.net.URLClassLoader$FileURLLoader] [Initializing java.net.URLClassLoader$URLLoader] [Initialized java.net.URLClassLoader$URLLoader] [Initialized java.net.URLClassLoader$FileURLLoader] [Preparing java.net.URLClassLoader$Resource] [Preparing java.net.URLClassLoader$FileResource] [Initializing java.net.URLClassLoader$FileResource] [Initializing java.net.URLClassLoader$Resource] [Initialized java.net.URLClassLoader$Resource] [Initialized java.net.URLClassLoader$FileResource] [Preparing java.io.FilePermission] [Initializing java.io.FilePermission] [Running static initializer for java.io.FilePermission] [Initialized java.io.FilePermission] [Preparing java.security.PermissionsHash] [Initializing java.security.PermissionsHash] [Initialized java.security.PermissionsHash] [Preparing TestAll] [Initializing TestAll] [Initialized TestAll] [Preparing SystemOut] [Initializing SystemOut] [Initialized SystemOut] TestAll [Preparing TestConstants] [Initializing TestConstants] [Initialized TestConstants] TestConstants want: null got: null want: -1 got: -1 want: 0 got: 0 want: 1 got: 1 want: 2 got: 2 want: 3 got: 3 want: 4 got: 4 want: 5 got: 5 want: 0 got: 0 want: 1 got: 1 want: 0.0 got: 0.0 want: 1.0 got: 1.0 want: 2.0 got: 2.0 want: 0.0 got: 0.0 want: 1.0 got: 1.0 want: 127 got: 127 want: -127 got: -127 want: 32767 got: 32767 want: -32767 got: -32767 want: 2147483647 got: 2147483647 want: -2147483647 got: -2147483647 want: 9223372036854775807 got: 9223372036854775807 want: -9223372036854775807 got: -9223372036854775807 want: X98 got: X98 [Preparing TestStackAccess] [Initializing TestStackAccess] [Initialized TestStackAccess] TestStackAccess want: 01234 got: 01234 want: got: want: nullnullnullnullnull got: nullnullnullnullnull want: 001012012301234 got: 001012012301234 want: 0.001.0012.00123.001234.0 got: 0.001.0012.00123.001234.0 want: 12211 got: [Loaded [Lcom/ibm/JikesRVM/opt/ir/OPT_RegisterOperand;]
[Loaded superclasses of [Lcom/ibm/JikesRVM/opt/ir/OPT_RegisterOperand;] 12211 want: x got: x [Preparing TestFieldAccess] [Initializing TestFieldAccess] [Running static initializer for TestFieldAccess] [Initialized TestFieldAccess] TestFieldAccess want: true got: true want: -1 got: -1 want: A got: A want: -3 got: -3 want: -4 got: -4 want: -5 got: -5 want: -6.0 got: -6.0 want: -7.0 got: -7.0 want: Instance of TestFieldAccess got: Instance of TestFieldAccess
want: true got: true want: -1 got: -1 want: A got: A want: -3 got: -3 want: -4 got: -4 want: -5 got: -5 want: -6.0 got: -6.0 want: -7.0 got: -7.0 want: Instance of TestFieldAccess got: Instance of TestFieldAccess
[Preparing TestArrayAccess] [Initializing TestArrayAccess] [Initialized TestArrayAccess] TestArrayAccess --boolean_array-- want: false got: false want: true got: true --byte_array-- want: 127 got: 127 want: -1 got: -1 --char_array-- want: 7f41 got: 7f41 want: ff41 got: ff41 --short_array-- want: 32767 got: 32767 want: -1 got: -1 --int_array-- want: 0 got: 0 want: 1 got: 1 --long_array-- want: 0 got: 0 want: 1 got: 1 --float_array-- want: 0.0 got: 0.0 want: 1.0 got: 1.0 --double_array-- want: 0.0 got: 0.0 want: 1.0 got: 1.0 --object_array-- want: null got: null want: null got: null --array_array-- want: [Ljava.lang.Object; got: [Ljava.lang.Object; want: null got: null --multi_int_array-- ary[0][0][0]=0 ary[0][0][1]=1 ary[0][0][2]=2 ary[0][0][3]=3 ary[0][1][0]=4 ary[0][1][1]=5 ary[0][1][2]=6 ary[0][1][3]=7 ary[0][2][0]=8 ary[0][2][1]=9 ary[0][2][2]=10 ary[0][2][3]=11 ary[1][0][0]=12 ary[1][0][1]=13 ary[1][0][2]=14 ary[1][0][3]=15 ary[1][1][0]=16 ary[1][1][1]=17 ary[1][1][2]=18 ary[1][1][3]=19 ary[1][2][0]=20 ary[1][2][1]=21 ary[1][2][2]=22 ary[1][2][3]=23 --multi_object_array-- [Loaded [Ljava/lang/Integer;] [Loaded superclasses of [Ljava/lang/Integer;] [Loaded [[Ljava/lang/Integer;] [Loaded superclasses of [[Ljava/lang/Integer;] [Loaded [[[Ljava/lang/Integer;] [Loaded superclasses of [[[Ljava/lang/Integer;] ary[0][0][0]=0 ary[0][0][1]=1 ary[0][0][2]=2 ary[0][0][3]=3 ary[0][1][0]=4 ary[0][1][1]=5 ary[0][1][2]=6 ary[0][1][3]=7 ary[0][2][0]=8 ary[0][2][1]=9 ary[0][2][2]=10 ary[0][2][3]=11 ary[1][0][0]=12 ary[1][0][1]=13 ary[1][0][2]=14 ary[1][0][3]=15 ary[1][1][0]=16 ary[1][1][1]=17 ary[1][1][2]=18 ary[1][1][3]=19 ary[1][2][0]=20 ary[1][2][1]=21 ary[1][2][2]=22 ary[1][2][3]=23 --multi_partial_array-- ary[0][0]=null ary[0][1]=null ary[0][2]=null ary[1][0]=null ary[1][1]=null ary[1][2]=null [Preparing TestReturn] [Initializing TestReturn] [Initialized TestReturn] TestReturn want: true got: true want: 2 got: 2 want: A got: A want: 4 got: 4 want: 5 got: 5 want: 6 got: 6 want: 7.0 got: 7.0 want: 8.0 got: 8.0 want: null got: null want: null got: null want: null got: null [Preparing TestCompare] [Initializing TestCompare] [Initialized TestCompare] TestCompare want: 100110 got: 100110 want: 100110 got: 100110 want: 100010001 got: 100010001 want: 100010001 got: 100010001 want: 100010001 got: 100010001 want: 10 got: 10 want: 10 got: 10 want: true got: true want: false got: false [Preparing TestConversions_toHex] [Initializing TestConversions_toHex] [Running static initializer for TestConversions_toHex] [Initialized TestConversions_toHex] TestConversions -- i2b -- want: 127 got: 127 want: -1 got: -1 want: -1 got: -1 -- i2c -- want: 127 got: 127 want: 255 got: 255 want: 65535 got: 65535 -- i2s -- want: 32767 got: 32767 want: -1 got: -1 -- i2l -- want: 2147483647 got: 2147483647 want: -1 got: -1 -- l2i -- want: 2147483647 got: 2147483647 want: -1 got: -1 -- i2f -- want: c0000000 got: c0000000 -- i2d -- want: -2.0 got: -2.0 -- l2f -- want: c0000000 got: c0000000 -- l2d -- want: -2.0 got: -2.0 -- f2d -- want: c004ccccc0000000 got: c004ccccc0000000 -- f2l -- want: -2 got: -2 -- f2i -- want: -2 got: -2 -- d2i -- want: -2 got: -2 -- d2l -- want: -2 got: -2 -- d2f -- want: c0266666 got: c0266666 float: ff800000 .. 7f800000 long: -9223372036854775808 .. 9223372036854775807 int: -2147483648 .. 2147483647 float: 1 .. 7f7fffff long: 0 .. 9223372036854775807 int: 0 .. 2147483647 float: ff7fffff .. 7f7fffff long: -9223372036854775808 .. 9223372036854775807 int: -2147483648 .. 2147483647 float: c7c34f80 .. 47c34f80 long: -99999 .. 99999 int: -99999 .. 99999 double: fff0000000000000 .. 7ff0000000000000 long: -9223372036854775808 .. 9223372036854775807 int: -2147483648 .. 2147483647 double: 1 .. 7fefffffffffffff long: 0 .. 9223372036854775807 int: 0 .. 2147483647 double: ffefffffffffffff .. 7fefffffffffffff long: -9223372036854775808 .. 9223372036854775807 int: -2147483648 .. 2147483647 double: c0f869f000000000 .. 40f869f000000000 long: -99999 .. 99999 int: -99999 .. 99999 [Preparing TestArithmetic_toHex] [Initializing TestArithmetic_toHex] [Initialized TestArithmetic_toHex] TestArithmetic -- itest -- want: 4 got: 4 want: 2 got: 2 want: 9 got: 9 want: 1 got: 1 want: 1 got: 1 want: -3 got: -3 want: 4 got: 4 want: 1 got: 1 want: 273 got: 273 want: 272 got: 272 want: -6 got: -6 want: -2 got: -2 want: 2147483646 got: 2147483646 -- ltest -- want: 10000000002 got: 10000000002 want: 9999999998 got: 9999999998 want: 20000000000 got: 20000000000 want: 5000000000 got: 5000000000 want: 0 got: 0 want: -2 got: -2 want: -10000000000 got: -10000000000 want: 4503599627370497 got: 4503599627370497 want: 1229482698272145681 got: 1229482698272145681 want: 1224979098644775184 got: 1224979098644775184 want: -6 got: -6 want: -2 got: -2 want: -1 got: -1 want: 9223372036854775806 got: 9223372036854775806 -- ftest -- want: 40400000 got: 40400000 want: bf800000 got: bf800000 want: 40000000 got: 40000000 want: 3f000000 got: 3f000000 want: bf800000 got: bf800000 want: 3f19999a got: 3f19999a -- dtest -- want: 4008000000000000 got: 4008000000000000 want: bff0000000000000 got: bff0000000000000 want: 4000000000000000 got: 4000000000000000 want: 3fe0000000000000 got: 3fe0000000000000 want: bff0000000000000 got: bff0000000000000 want: 3fe3333333333333 got: 3fe3333333333333 -- nanTestFloat -- expr expected got -------- ---------- NaN < NaN false false NaN <= NaN false false NaN == NaN false false NaN != NaN true true NaN >= NaN false false NaN > NaN false false -- nanTestDouble -- expr expected got -------- ---------- NaN < NaN false false NaN <= NaN false false NaN == NaN false false NaN != NaN true true NaN >= NaN false false NaN > NaN false false -- remTest -- 2.0 / 3.0=3fe5555555555555 2.0 % 3.0=4000000000000000 2.0 rem 3.0=bff0000000000000 2.0 / -3.0=bfe5555555555555 2.0 % -3.0=4000000000000000 2.0 rem -3.0=bff0000000000000 -2.0 / 3.0=bfe5555555555555 -2.0 % 3.0=c000000000000000 -2.0 rem 3.0=3ff0000000000000 -2.0 / -3.0=3fe5555555555555 -2.0 % -3.0=c000000000000000 -2.0 rem -3.0=3ff0000000000000 [Preparing TestMath] [Initializing TestMath] [Initialized TestMath] TestMath -- Math.floor -- want: 1.0 got: 1.0 want: 1.0 got: 1.0 want: 1.0 got: 1.0 want: 1.0 got: 1.0 want: -2.0 got: -2.0 want: -2.0 got: -2.0 want: -2.0 got: -2.0 want: -2.0 got: -2.0 -- Math.ceil -- want: 2.0 got: 2.0 want: 2.0 got: 2.0 want: 2.0 got: 2.0 want: 1.0 got: 1.0 want: -2.0 got: -2.0 want: -1.0 got: -1.0 want: -1.0 got: -1.0 want: -1.0 got: -1.0 [Preparing TestMath_toHex] [Initializing TestMath_toHex] [Initialized TestMath_toHex] TestMath -- Math.floor -- want: 3ff0000000000000 got: 3ff0000000000000 want: 3ff0000000000000 got: 3ff0000000000000 want: 3ff0000000000000 got: 3ff0000000000000 want: 3ff0000000000000 got: 3ff0000000000000 want: c000000000000000 got: c000000000000000 want: c000000000000000 got: c000000000000000 want: c000000000000000 got: c000000000000000 want: c000000000000000 got: c000000000000000 -- Math.ceil -- want: 4000000000000000 got: 4000000000000000 want: 4000000000000000 got: 4000000000000000 want: 4000000000000000 got: 4000000000000000 want: 3ff0000000000000 got: 3ff0000000000000 want: c000000000000000 got: c000000000000000 want: bff0000000000000 got: bff0000000000000 want: bff0000000000000 got: bff0000000000000 want: bff0000000000000 got: bff0000000000000 [Preparing TestSwitch] [Initializing TestSwitch] [Initialized TestSwitch] TestSwitch want: 99101112 got: 99101112 want: 99102030405099 got: 99102030405099 [Preparing TestStaticCall] [Initializing TestStaticCall] [Initialized TestStaticCall] TestStaticCall want: 333 got: 333 [Preparing TestVirtualCall] [Initializing TestVirtualCall] [Initialized TestVirtualCall] TestVirtualCall [Preparing TestVirtualA] [Initializing TestVirtualA] [Initialized TestVirtualA] [Preparing TestVirtualB] [Initializing TestVirtualB] [Initialized TestVirtualB] want: 12 got: 12 [Preparing TestVirtualC] [Initializing TestVirtualC] [Initialized TestVirtualC] want: 3 got: 3 [Preparing TestInterfaceCall] [Initializing TestInterfaceCall] [Initialized TestInterfaceCall] TestInterfaceCall [Preparing InterfaceFoo] [Preparing InterfaceBar] [Preparing TestInterfaceA] [Initializing TestInterfaceA] [Initialized TestInterfaceA] 1 [Preparing TestInterfaceB] [Initializing TestInterfaceB] [Initialized TestInterfaceB] 4 2 3 [Preparing TestInterfaceC] [Initializing TestInterfaceC] [Initialized TestInterfaceC] 4 [Preparing InterfaceBaz] [Preparing TestInterfaceD] [Initializing TestInterfaceD] [Initialized TestInterfaceD] true true false [Preparing TestInterfaceE] [Initializing TestInterfaceE] [Initialized TestInterfaceE] true true false [Preparing TestSpecialCall] [Initializing TestSpecialCall] [Initialized TestSpecialCall] TestSpecialCall want: A.init B.init C.init A.init B.foo C.bar C.foo got: [Preparing A] [Preparing B] [Preparing C] [Initializing C] [Initializing B] [Initializing A] [Initialized A] [Initialized B] [Initialized C] A.init B.init C.init A.init B.foo C.bar C.foo [Preparing TestClassInitializer] [Initializing TestClassInitializer] [Initialized TestClassInitializer] TestClassInitializer [Preparing TestClassInitializerA] [Initializing TestClassInitializerA] [Running static initializer for TestClassInitializerA] clinit called for TestClassInitializerA TestClassInitializerA.f called [Initialized TestClassInitializerA] 123 [Preparing TestClassInitializerB] [Initializing TestClassInitializerB] [Running static initializer for TestClassInitializerB] clinit called for TestClassInitializerB [Initialized TestClassInitializerB] TestClassInitializerB.f called 456 [Preparing TestClassInitializerC] [Preparing TestClassInitializerD] [Initializing TestClassInitializerD] [Initializing TestClassInitializerC] [Running static initializer for TestClassInitializerC] clinit called for TestClassInitializerC [Initialized TestClassInitializerC] [Running static initializer for TestClassInitializerD] clinit called for TestClassInitializerD [Initialized TestClassInitializerD] 123 [Preparing TestThrow] [Initializing TestThrow] [Initialized TestThrow] [Preparing MyTestErrorBase] TestThrow [Preparing MyTestError] [Initializing MyTestError] [Initializing MyTestErrorBase] [Initialized MyTestErrorBase] [Initialized MyTestError] caught: MyTestError caught: class java.io.FileNotFoundException [Preparing NotMyTestError] caught: MyTestError [Preparing TestFinally] [Initializing TestFinally] [Initialized TestFinally] TestFinally 2466105791 P 0 - Bus Error @0x10e0a0e0 Bus Error 0 for processor 0 2 hi bye [Preparing TestInstanceOf] [Initializing TestInstanceOf] [Initialized TestInstanceOf] TestInstanceOf [Loaded [LTestInstanceOf;] [Loaded superclasses of [LTestInstanceOf;] want: true false false false got: [Loaded [[LTestInstanceOf;]
[Loaded superclasses of [[LTestInstanceOf;] true false false false want: false true false false got: false true false false want: false false false false got: false false false false want: false false false true got: false false false true want: class cast exception 2514710748 P 0 - Bus Error @0x10ebb2b0 Bus Error 0 for processor 0 [Loaded [Ljava/lang/Throwable;] [Loaded superclasses of [Ljava/lang/Throwable;] Ljava/lang/NullPointerException; 2514803518 P 0 - Bus Error @0x2054468 Bus Error 0 for processor 0 vm: internal error: recursive use of hardware exception registers (exiting) -- Stack -- Lcom/ibm/JikesRVM/VM_StackTrace; print(Lcom/ibm/JikesRVM/PrintLN;Ljava/lang/Throwable;Ljava/lang/Throwable;I)V at line 255 Ljava/lang/Throwable; doPrintStackTrace(Lcom/ibm/JikesRVM/PrintLN;Ljava/lang/Throwable;I)V at line 258 Ljava/lang/Throwable; printStackTrace(Lcom/ibm/JikesRVM/PrintLN;Ljava/lang/Throwable;I)V at line 227 Ljava/lang/Throwable; printStackTrace(Lcom/ibm/JikesRVM/PrintLN;I)V at line 207 Ljava/lang/Throwable; printStackTrace(Ljava/io/PrintStream;I)V at line 342 Ljava/lang/Throwable; printStackTrace(I)V at line 186 Ljava/lang/Throwable; printStackTrace()V at line 158 Lcom/ibm/JikesRVM/VM_Runtime; deliverException(Ljava/lang/Throwable;Lcom/ibm/JikesRVM/VM_Registers;)V at line 873 Lcom/ibm/JikesRVM/VM_Runtime; deliverHardwareException(II)V at line 649 <native frame> Unknown location in opt compiled method LTestInstanceOf; runTest()V LTestAll; runTest()V at line 45 LTestAll; main([Ljava/lang/String;)V at line 15 Lcom/ibm/JikesRVM/MainThread; run()V at line 117 Lcom/ibm/JikesRVM/VM_Thread; startoff()V at line 789 JikesRVM: exit 124 Processor [0] Context [0] Runnable 2515085331 Stalled 0 Waiting 0 Idle 0 Empty 0 Architecture Cycles 2515085330 Simulation Cycles : 2515085330 Simulation Duration : 0d 0h 6m 21s (972ms 238us 0ns ) Simulation IPS : 6601273 379.76user 0.90system 6:22.29elapsed 99%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 0maxresident)k 0inputs+0outputs (5major+79991minor)pagefaults 0swaps |