Jamaica /
IdentifyingSpeculationPointsWhile thinking about the use of dynamic compilation to support speculation, I thought I had some insights into speculation point selection. As I was at home and only had my mini windows machine available, I wrote these in a word document. (I failed to get port forwarding using putty to work so that I could access the wiki!). The document is here http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~watson/spec.pdf and might prove useful if this isn't all self evident. It all seems a bit obvious after it occured to me. Unfortunately, I then discovered a paper which covers much of the same ground although from a slightly different viewpoint. I think it is worth reading as it covers the issue of selecting spawning points using profiles. The paper is here http://people.ac.upc.edu/antonio/conferences/pmarcue_hpca_2002_paper.pdf Ian. |