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length 47944 n 0 count 2048

           >>>>> WARNING WARNING WARNING <<<<<
           >>>  YOUR FILES ARE CORRUPTED  <<<
           >>>>>>>> PLEASE REINSTALL <<<<<<<<

File output byte count = 0 checksum = 0 [Preparing spec.harness.BenchmarkTime] [Initializing spec.harness.BenchmarkTime] [Initialized spec.harness.BenchmarkTime]

  1. IO Statistics for this Run ####
  1. IO time : 1.478 seconds
  2. No. of File opens : 1123
  3. No. of Byte Reads from cache : 0
  4. No. of Byte Reads from File : 2912322
  5. No. of Byte Reads from Url : 0
    1. Cumulative Cache Stats: N 0, B 0, H 0, M 1123
    2. No. of HTTP retries : 0

Run 0 end. Total memory=838860800 free memory=611287040 [Preparing] [Initializing] [Initialized]

%div >>>>>>>>>>> RUN WAS NOT VALID apply=div%<<<<<<<<<

======= _999_checkit Finished in 8.828 secs **NOT VALID** requested gc

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Page last modified on May 26, 2006, at 03:02 PM